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錨點 1
日本 Craft 水松板

日本 Craft 水松板

Craft 水松板


呎吋(長 x 寬 x 高)︰150mm x 100mm x 15mm






  • 注意事項

    - 相片顏色或有機會出現偏差,顏色請以實物為準;

    - 此產品含有細小配件、尖銳物件,恕不適合六歲以下兒童使用;六至十二歲兒童必須由成年人陪同下使用並應小心處理。


Leather Colours


 1. ​因應皮革材質及厚度上的差異,並非所有皮色均適用於所有產品,詳見各產品巳列出的皮色選項。

      Leather texture and thickness may vary; Specific colours may applied to selected items only. Please refer to the product page for details;

​ 2. 相片顏色或會因光線或屏幕顯示器不同而出現偏差,恕不接受此原因之退貨。

       The colour of the photo may vary due to lighting of shooting environment and screen display, Returns and Refunds for this reason will not be accepted;

 3. 皮色將不定期更新,歡迎下單時於「新增備註」註明所需皮色。

      The colour options will be updated from time to time. Please mention your preferred colours in “Remarks" columns when placing an order.

選色注意|Tips of leather colours